Wednesday, June 16, 2010

what the %$#@!!!

this may only be interesting to fellow north carolinians but a kid on the bus this morning had a notebook and i happened to glance over and read the cover. to my dismay i read nashville and thought "huh that's funny, why would nashville be on the cover of a notebook?" next i read greenville "huh thats strange, but there are lots of greenvilles." next was nevada "huh that's funny, non sequitur, but it is africa." then i read waynesville "what the %$#@? really?" for you who don't know waynesville, at a population of 9000, "is the largest town in all of haywood county in western nc." then it says "seattle regular straight double knee red selvage (sic) american classic the basic. the basic. the basic. the basic. painter pant." i would really like to meet the advertising agency who thought this campaign would gain a market share of that difficult-to-reach, rwandan, english-illiterate demographic.
i have always found this type of thing hilarious like huge african men with shirts that say "this girl loves someone in missouri" or "ass, gas, or grass! no one rides for free" across the back of a little old lady scuffling along to mass or the brash american flag and eagle with lightning bolts (available at all gas stations and select nascar races) that says "i love jesus" on the head of an elderly muslim.

ok that was fun.


LBS said...

"Selvage' is a real word. From Wikipedia: The selvage (US English) or selvedge (British English) is the term for the self-finished edges of fabric.

LBS said...

Just to let you know there are other Waynesvilles in the US...none are as colorful as ours, I'm sure.

farmer brown said...


Could you do a small segment on the Cassava blight please? Its getting big press, and I'd like your local take. Thanks!

The Estate of Things said...

this is funny so much that i was giggling aloud.