Wednesday, March 30, 2011

crazy fiery deepwater horizon

i got these pictures from guys on the boat who were on the BP deepwater horizon spill from the beginning. to the see the size of one of the ultra-deepwater, semi submersible drill platforms is unbelievable. they are 320 ft tall and to think it sank boggles my mind.

satellite images of the extent of the spill

apr 20th the rig exploded and these pictures are from the 20th, 21st and 22nd when it sank to 5000 ft below the sea

the fire was doused with thousands of gallons of water to no avail. guys said the fire was so hot on the response boats that paint was melting and dripping around them.

they told me they would constantly hear explosions as sealed, thick metal hatches would pop like popcorn.





then the massive cleanup response began

discoverer enterprise in the middle was one of the drill ships working on the relief well and rov (remotely operated vehicle), at times hundreds of boats in a 1 mile radius

discoverer enterprise, burning off methane

drill ships

skimming boom deployed

dispersant was dropped in unprecedented amounts

the good stuff

this floated up a couple days after the rig sank, its a eerie reminder that 11 men died

tired and oiled cattle egret

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