Tuesday, May 03, 2011

strange going-ons in cajun country

ive been working out of venice, the bottom of the boot

working in louisiana provides you with opportunities to see things not often encountered by most people;

exhibit A:

drive-thru daiquiris stores are a dime a dozen. providing responsible, thirsty drunks with road beverages. they are served with straws and protected by an impenetrable piece of scotch tape across the lid to deter people from consuming them on the road.

exhibit B:
blessing of the fleet. catholicism runs deep in cajun country. every season the oyster, crab, shrimp, fishing boats are decorated and parade up the bayou and are blessed by a priest to protect them. kinda cool.

incidentally the word 'cajun' is a bastardization of 'acadian' as in french-canadians from northern maine, nova scotia, and quebec who were kicked out of new england in the 1760's and found sanctuary in louisiana. if you say 'acadian' with a silly french accent enough it starts to sound like cajun. fun fact!!

another fun fact: cajuns call themselves 'coon-asses' its thought to be derogatory to some but commonly recognized in the same way as redneck.

exhibit C:
reasons why you dont throw fishing line in a body of water

the skull of a pelican that died of starvation bc of fishing line wrapped around the bill

exhibit D:
enough said

exhibit E:

crazy cajuns - gary o'brien, trina mullen, wayne billiot, alec richardson, austin magnant, aq (team 1

the gang


marsh assessment

trina and a elephant turd (biomass sample)


cool dude

easter break with the family at the coast of nc near new bern

1 comment:

Crystal said...

nice pics dude, keep up the work and thanks for sharing your gifts.