Tuesday, June 16, 2009

austrian mountain crash

betsy and i went to visit my brother, nathan, in austria for spring break and we took a trip to a local mountain to go "sledding." at the trailhead i saw people wearing helmets, googles, and protective gear, which i thought was strange as i had been sledding before in nc and thought i knew what was in store for getting on a steel-runner sled and barreling down a 50 ft hill in the backyard. as we began walking up the snow covered trail i noticed a flowery cross beside the path. i asked nathan what that was all about and he replied "oh people die here every year!!" yowwwwsers!!! what was i getting into? so we hike up the bobsled-esque course for a good two hours constantly jumping out of the way of sledders whipping pass us @ 30 mph on the same trail. the hike was amazing, passing through snow-laden conifers and breathtaking views of the alps. we reach the top and enjoy a bowl of soup, schnitzel, and great beer, while basking in the intense alpine sun before heading back down. after the 2 hour hike the descent is a quick 20 minute plunge apart from crashes and/or death. here is a video of betsy and my debut run at the sport.



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