Sunday, July 17, 2016

6.7 miles covered!!!


By Hooney

I woke up like usual at 5:30 am and played with my daddy's face while he slept bc I was excited for my first day in Bogota.  Then I walked and got carried 2 the corner cafe for a coffee and to plan the day.  After a nice latte and mamas milk for me they decided to go to the museum de oro (gold museum) and a graffiti tour and some shopping; no one asked me what I wanted to do. If they would have I would have said 'lets go to boob town'Ü. I got a free stroller ride to the parque nacional where the city blocks off one lane of the major streets to bicycles, runners, and rollerbladers every Sunday. I got to get out in the park and chase dogs and pick up some shiny things on the ground and put them in my mouth.BOOB was rolling through my mind so I started crying,and crying and then some more crying until I got heaven...BOOOOOOOOOOOOB :D. Then I slept and dreamed about poop. Meanwhile the old people that drag me around, sat in the park and watched Colombian rollerblade hockey and brother and K won money from Daddy betting on the scores of the game.  Then we walked a long way down the main boulevard through loud, crazy crowds of vendors and performers who set up shop on the street. We saw musicians, chalk artists, and knife jugglers, meanwhile I took off my socks and put them in my mouth. Finally we got to the Gold Museum and I got to climb up and down the stairs while the old people read about the history of gold in Colombia and the amazing collection of gold artifacts from pre Colombian people. We needed a snack after the museum so we headed to a local brewery that daddy remembered called bogota beer company, I climbed up and down the stairs and got in trouble.  After full bellies we walked back down the street party and everyone practiced bargaining; brother bought a Quartz necklace and got the price down 5000 pesos, Kennedi got headphones and churros, Nina bought raggedy old leather sack full of cardboard, and Mama bought a new money pouch and I was so cute a crazy guy gave me a little plastic truck.  Brother checked his step tracker and found that we had walked 6.7 miles today!!!! I'm tired and there's a boob waiting for me. Ciao, night night.

PPS some if the comments were added by my brother and cousin and may or may not reflect the authors sentiments

Bogota Beer Company


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