Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Siesta Saturday

Observations: We were surprised at how many american companies are in Leon. When we went toget diapers we saw Home Depot, Wal-Mart, Office Depot, McDonalds (YUCK!), Starbucks, and Auto-Zone . Our search for organic produce led us to 4 different supermercados, with not much luck.

We asked around for the 'must try' food, everyone told us guacamayas from Guacamayas de Javier. We pulled up to a shabby storefront packed with people and as we unloaded everyone stared at the goofy gringos.  Turns out guacamayas are a bread roll stuffed with avocado, pork rinds, fried cheese turnover, and you add salsa, and pickled onions and cucumber. Andrew was in hog heaven. Jesica was a little skeptical. But after one bite of fried pork bliss, she said "Let's get another!" Needless to say Nevin didnt eat lunch.  A nine year old boy was working as a busboy and he brought Quincy his first highchair.  

After lunch we drove to Guanajuato about an hour away and mama and baby Q, being culturally sensitive, took their first siesta in the backseat.  We arrived in Guanajuato and in an attempt to find the Airbnb house, quickly got lost in the underground tunnels that run under the city.   Low on gas and driving aimlessly in the catacombs we got our first 'high tension' moment.  We called the owner and had motorcycle cabbie lead us to the house.  The owner is from Texas and has built a huge hacienda with multiple homes.  Its pretty amazing.  We settled in and packed up for an walk into town.   

The town is packed for the Cervantino festival; an arts festival celebrating eclectic global arts.  The town is a colonial town and state capital that is home to a few colleges.  It has the same feel as Austin, Texas.  They have adopted Don Quixote, written by Cervantes, as their patron saint and Cervantino is their celebration of quirky arts that attracts performances from all over the world.  Russian ballet, French dance, visual arts, movies, and music.

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