Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Nueve Nevin... And mummies

Nueve Nevin... and mummies

Bright and early, Nevin woke up and ran into the room. We lit the candle on a sugar donut and opened presents.  He got a Star Wars light saber, external iPod charger, the third book in the 'My Side of the Mountain' series, a compass, boutique popcorn & candy corn mix..... ohhhh, and a trip to Mexico. We walked to breakfast and then caught a taxi to the Museo de Momias (mummy museum).  Nevin, Andrew and Jesica were scared, but not the little snoot (baby Q).  The mummies were creepy and some of the stories gave us the heeby-jeebies. The mummies are from a cholera outbreak, and were keep in crypts so they didn't decay bc of the lack of oxygen in the tombs. When they were exhumed, they found them to be in near perfect condition and some date back to the 1800s.  Their skin, nails, teeth, and bodily hair was still intact.  The first part of the museum was really neat but the end got a little hokey with a vampire mummy and strange holograms.  Inside the museum is an entrance to the catacombs where the bodies are exhumed- which is extra creepy.  

Then, we stepped out into the light of the living, and went to a huge central market where Nevin bought a rosary bracelet for 20 pesos. He also made a copy of our house key.  Pretty much 9 year old stuff, no biggie.  Apparently though, Nevin's nine year old legs don't work well in Mexico.  Not a day goes by that he doesn't fall into a drainage grate, off a curb, into a ditch, or on smooth pavement.

Andrew continued his tradition of getting a haircut in every country he goes to, and got a cool Mexican Mohawk. Little Q continues to be the showstopper.  Every Mexican female from 2-92 wants to kiss and hold him, but so do we.

Then, we went to pick up our new family rings we had made at a young hipster/artisanal silversmith market.  While we were waiting, I mentioned to Nevin that they had a old iPod playing music thru a bootleg speaker, which was balanced on a pile of old pallets. When he leaned on the top board they tipped over, and the speaker fell on the iPod, and loud feedback blasted thru the market. Everyone turned to look!  Nevin scrambled to pick up the speaker and turn the music back on.  His look of horror quickly changed to laughter as we got the music back and said the 'gringos are here!' It was very funny.

We visited the Diego Rivera (Frida Kahlo's husband) museum on our way to our first Cervantino event.  Jesica picked it (out of the few choices available!), it was called 'Kinetica.'   Mama and little snoot sat in the back of the auditorium in case he cried, and Nevin and I sat up front.  The lights went down and a big lady came out singing opera. 6 ballet dancers pranced out.  Nevin and I looked at each other and gave confused shrugs.  For the next hour the dancers gyrated to a mix of opera, electronica, noise, and rave.  It was as 'interesting' as it sounds.  Luckily the baby cried so Jesica got to leave the room.  Needless to say, Jesica no longer gets to pick what we do.

It was a great day and a good birthday for the big kid.

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