Tuesday, July 31, 2012

summer in canadia

i spent the summer as an instructor for a college marine ecology program on vancouver island in british columbia, canada. its always great to work with young people and realize that we are in good hands in the future. but more importantly to go fishing.

boccaccio rockfish and travis


boccaccio rockfish

sea urchin fresh from the sea

gigging for rockfish in the deer group islands

travis was hung up on what we thought was a rock or kelp turned out he had hooked a huge sea star that wouldnt release from the rocks.

between courses jill came to visit and we ate our way through vancouver, well known for amazingly authentic and diverse asian cuisines. the richmond night market is an eclectic outdoor street fair every sat through the summer. vendors from all over asia have these little tents offering the most interesting/strange foods.

yup vietnamese bbq horse meat wasnt too bad

japadog a weird twist of east and west.

kobe beef dog with seaweed, onions, terimayo, fish flakes, and sriracha.

after i finished up teaching the marine ecology course i met up with my friends from vancouver island, ian and tove, who are back down in victoria for the summer from teaching in nunavut. nunavut for those who dont know is the newest (1999) and largest territory in canadia, way up above the arctic circle (you can follow their adventures at tovian.wordpress.com). anyway they just had a little baby, wren and she is the cutest thing in the world.

somehow i got signed up for a salmon fishin derby with ian and dave. we woke at 5 to fog and wind.

the coho, silvers to americans, started biting right away, but we were hunting for chinooks aka springs, kings to americans. we brought in 6 weighing 5 lbs each.

5.2lb coho

fish on!!!

releasing a small chinook

dave at the weigh in

ian with 5.2 lb coho

notice how when i took pictures of the other boys i manipulated it to make the fish look bigger. ian wasnt so kind.

the eventual winner 26.4 lb chinook

day at the beach in tofino

tove and wren

the fine looking family

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