meanwhile the wheat in the field has turned yellow. now its time for BIG FUN!! threshing may sound like some new fangled skateboarding move to you youngsters but it aint. its waking up at 5 and cutting acres of wheat by hand all day, uphill in the snow. wow i sound like a geezer huh. anyway it really is a good time, you spend all day in the fields with the family, taking tea breaks in the shade, eating lunch in the fields with neighboring families, and all the while listening to the work songs and banshee cries of the women working around you, its fantastic!!! i really feel like i live in another century, its wild.

last but not least is the separating of the chaffe from the grain. with only the use of homemade wooden pitchforks we gently tossed hundreds of pounds of straw and seed in the air and let the wind carry the chaffe into pile which is used for animal feed and the grain is ground into flour for the ever present staple: bread. this harvest God willing will last us the whole year and maybe a little to sell.
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