Saturday, June 02, 2007

women the world ‘round are all the same

shopping for panties with my 16 year old sister was a experience in its self. granted I haven’t spent much time in the states shopping for women’s unmentionables, but I assume it’s a fair bit different here, for starters undergarments are bought at the same and only store which sells everything from bubble gum to flip flops and fertilizer to pack animals if you get them on the right day.
surprisingly for being in such a conservative society, I was amazed how unabashed she was about the whole ordeal, stepping to the counter and stating her needs. the store (Hanout) owner heads to the back and pulls a dusty box of miscellaneous clothing. his first offering is something from the geriatric rack at a womens plus sizes store, straight faced she declines and she motions to see more. the next is a nice number, not too parachute like and not too scandalous either, just right. Next comes the obligatory bickering over price. that settled and a little change left in her pocket, her natural female, estrogen-fueled mind kicked in, she asked to see what else the owner had tucked away in the way of a nice house coat, the garb of choice by all rural women in morocco. needless to say there was no dressing room and all sales are final. what he pulled out next not only temporarily blinded me, but turned my stomach. a hot pink moo-moo with the words "super sweet squeeze university" embroidered across the chest in green and purple stitching. oh how my sister squealed with delight, just what she had always wanted. but I personally thought see would have looked better in the neon green pleated moo-moo that said something about highway love=milwaukee truckers or something like that. unfortunately they couldnt meet on a suitable price, gloomily she turned and we headed for home, i tried to cajole her by saying "hey cheer up, at least you got some underwear to show for it."

ps ive been observing some trends in the general color schemes of the women clothing and have noticed lots of maroon and gold, giving me the feeling im constantly walking the fields with the hickory high red tornadoes marching band, its the little things that take you home.

1 comment:

  1. Ha, ha. As soon as you said maroon and gold, I thought HHS! Your mom gave me your site and here is mine if you want to look at it:

    I am an au pair in Alicante, Spain, for the summer. I find Morocco to be very interesting. I went for a weekend a couple of years ago when I was in Spain for a few weeks. I loved the rich culture and I bought a brilliant red-orange-yellow blanket from some random guy in a small mountain village. I look forward to more posts!

